Progressive Recovery

Progressive Recovery is a constant reworking of the 12 steps and resources for those in recovery for substance abuse.


New to Recovery?

We're committed to helping recovering addicts and their loved ones do the consistent, sustained work necessary to stay sober. But much of our content is geared to those who have been sober for quite some time. If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, please check out some of the organizations below that we often work with in order to get started on the road to sobriety.  And please be sure to check back often for ongoing content from Progressive Recovery.


World Wide Addiction Recovery Resources

Despite the heartbreaking challenges of addictions, there are now an unprecedented number of recovery solutions in the world. MysticMag compiled an extensive list of many. Picking the right treatment center can be a crucial step to a successful recovery. Different programs treat different addictions and offer different types of care, such as inpatient and outpatient recovery, detox, and telehealth. Please invest in yourself and your recovery by taking the time to review these many options.


Recovering Champions

While Recovery Champions is a service provider for recovery, this information is an excellent summary you or your loved ones may find useful as an orientation to alcoholism and options for recovery. You can further explore their services, or use any of the linked options for more information. Understanding addiction and recovery can be the springboard from which we can find our way to sobriety and recovery.


Addiction Resource

Addiction Resource is an informational content guide serving individuals and their families who struggle with addiction, substance use disorders, and mental health disorders. Our mission is to connect individuals to treatment centers that best suit their individual needs as it leads to long-term recovery. We do this while breaking the barriers and stigmas that surround substance use with free and valuable information.

We have curated a list of the "10 Best Alcohol Detox and Rehabilitation Centers" in the US. Click here to see the full list.



College students face numerous pressures as they begin their journey through adulthood. Students can develop feelings of inadequacy. Peer pressure exists to look a certain way, think a certain way, or even drink more alcohol than desired. Drugs may become readily available for studying and partying, and courses might be more challenging than expected. Learn more about better approaches at UniversityHQ.

Pavilion, North Carolina

Pavilion, North Carolina


For many, recovery from addiction is a long, personal and often difficult journey. It takes courage to make the powerful decision to change directions - to step toward a life of recovery and to stay on the path to healthy living. Hand in hand with that courage, you want the competent support of those who truly understand what it takes to begin and sustain the effort. With a six to one patient/counselor ratio, we help individuals and families replace old patterns of behavior with new, healthy ways of living and relating to the world around them.

Millions of people and their families are affected by substance abuse and addiction. exists to educate visitors about drug addiction, recovery, co-occurring disorders and other addiction-related topics by providing the latest information on trends, treatment options, recovery stories, and support services. 


Addiction Center

If you, or a loved one, is looking to take the next step to overcome addiction, Addiction Center is your online hub. With information on drugs, rehab, and everything addiction-related, Addiction Center will be there guiding you from rehab to recovery.

The Recovery Village

Our advanced approach to treatment empowers individuals on the path to recovery. The Recovery Village offers comprehensive treatment for dual diagnosis based drug and alcohol rehab, eating disorder and mental health treatments tailored to the patient’s specific needs. At The Recovery Village, we understand addiction. Our fully trained staff will guide patients and family to the goal of complete  rehabilitation.


Alcohol Addiction Center

At Alcohol Addiction Center, our mission is to provide information and resources for anyone struggling with an alcohol problem, either through a friend or family member, or with a problem of their own. We are not a facility. Each situation is unique, and we strive to educate and inform people about alcoholism, or known by its clinical name, alcohol use disorder.

Delphi Behavioral Health Group

While treatment for alcoholism or addiction can seem to be out of reach for many because of cost, the cost of the disease is terrible as well. Fortunately there are many more options than might be imagined or considered. Recovery is not out of reach. This resource provides extensive guidance meant for people who cannot afford care on their own. There is hope for you and your family. Consider reaching out to the organizations listed here.


Ohio Recovery Center

Ohio Recovery Center (ORC) is a drug and alcohol rehab facility located in Van Wert, Ohio. Their mission is to support and stabilize patients during detox and withdrawal, coordinate a smooth transition into residential care, and offer a healing environment rooted in peer connection and clinical support.

Within Health

During the process of recovering from alcoholism and addiction, eating disorders are frequently discovered, with some posing significant risks, yet they are often disregarded or downplayed. offers a comprehensive resource to help recognize when and where specialized assistance may be necessary to complement our recovery journey.

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